
I just wasn’t getting signals that I was as safe as I needed to be. Image: Thinkstock.

My Therapist Fired Me — And I'm OK With It

My therapist of six months — let’s call her L — was letting me go. It was so subtle that I wasn’t even sure what was happening; I had to ask.

What does Marvel have against casting Asians in film?

Dear Marvel: Where Are All The Actors Of Color?

Why is Marvel casting white actors to play Asian characters?


Take The Cake: Diet Culture And Police Violence

I understand the connections between the violence that leads to police shootings and the violence that leads people to starve themselves. I know with complete certainty that diet culture is a manifestation of the state’s expectation of assimilation and of social control, both of which are manifestations of institutional violence.


Aunt Ginger: All Lives Can't  Matter Until Black Lives Matter

Being an ally means being an ally after the protest, too.

“People are still dying, still being killed, don’t tell us to sit down and not continue to go out into the streets.”

'We Want Safety, Dignity and Justice': Black Lives Matter Protests Build Nationwide

The fact that police killings are calculated by media organizations at all is a victory of the sustained protests of the Black Lives Matter movement. Yet, despite heightened visibility, the killings continue. According to the Guardian, 571 people have been killed by police so far in 2016—3.4 per million Native American and 3.28 Black.

Conversations about adoption happen regularly at our house, but it kind of sucks when our important conversations are triggered by the offhand question from someone who doesn’t know our family. Image: Thinkstock.

8 Ridiculous Adoption Questions This Transracial Family Has Been Asked

My family stands out. My kids are Asian, my husband and I are white. Most people will (correctly) assume our children are adopted.

"You have an unabridged right to petition the government — at all levels — for redress of grievances." Image: flickr

Americans: You Have The Right. Make Your Voice Heard.

I can’t use this space today for quirky news blurbs. Instead, I want to remind us all of our fundamental right to have the America we want — and how we can get it.

Taystee sobs, kneeling on the ground, with a CO standing behind her. Image: Netflix.

Orange Is The New Black Is Trauma Porn Written For White People [spoilers]

It’s like the writers and producers sat around and said, “Let’s put all the most f*cked up recent cultural references in one season and be the most forward, innovative, social justice show out there!” It’s literally the exploitation and voyeurism of our pain on a platter for the world to gawk at and consume.
