Sarah Lazare
Sarah Lazare Articles
[H]ermelinda Cortes, organizer with the queer liberation organization Southerners on New Ground, told AlterNet that racist, xenophobic rhetoric further erodes the safety of LGBTQ people, many of whom are undocumented, refugees, Muslims and people of color.
Read...Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement invites viewers to listen to trans and queer Latinx social movement leaders respond to the massacre, reflect on the communities targeted and analyze how the massacre stems from homegrown social ills in the United States.
Read...Some human rights campaigners argue that now is an important time to scrutinize federal funding of highly-militarized police trainings in the Miami area that may contribute to surrounding police agencies’ aggressive tactics.
Read...[CN: abortion, death, pregnancy] Even though Catholic hospitals receive billions in taxpayer dollars, they systematically deny critical care.
Read...In the immediate aftermath of the United Kingdom’s narrow vote to leave the European Union, reports are emerging that there has been a significant spike in hate attacks targeting Muslims, people of color, migrants, and refugees.
Read...The fact that police killings are calculated by media organizations at all is a victory of the sustained protests of the Black Lives Matter movement. Yet, despite heightened visibility, the killings continue. According to the Guardian, 571 people have been killed by police so far in 2016—3.4 per million Native American and 3.28 Black.