Natalie Slaughter
Natalie Slaughter Articles
We’ve all made bad choices when it comes to dating. Mine involves Hannah Montana, a tractor, and an awkward invitation to a threesome.
Read...There’s a lot more information about what it’s like to be a fat woman and the things you should and shouldn’t say. Here's what I want everyone to know...
Read...Even a Google search will conflate “queer women” with “lesbian.” So the first and most obvious thing I wish people understood about being a queer woman, is that we exist.
Read...[N]o one held my molester down and called the police for what he did to me. He was quietly escorted away, and over the course of a few months, the whispers of support turned into accusations.
Read...I’m very aware of the fact that I’m fat — trust me. I’ve had this body for longer than you’ve been familiar with it.
Read...Is anything keeping you from believing that you deserve good things?
Read...You can learn to live with the pain, you can move on as I have after over a decade of self-reflection and hard work, but you never, ever get over it.
Read...Treating women like idiots has the additional consequence of making women less likely to report symptoms in general. It’s really exhausting