Natalie Slaughter

Natalie Slaughter


Natalie is a former Texan currently living in LA who enjoys politics, cooking, video games, comic books and spending more money than she should at ModCloth. She takes her nerd title as seriously as she does her writing and believes anything's a good story if you tell it right.

Natalie Slaughter Articles

Photo by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash

The Myth of Being Over Depression

Depression is with you forever. Sometimes it’s like a gentle rain you can keep walking through; other times it’s like a tidal wave, dragging you under, no matter how much you struggle to come up for air. Read...
I'm happy being fat.

I’m Perfectly Happy Being Fat. Stop Making It Your Issue.

I’m very aware of the fact that I’m fat — trust me. I’ve had this body for longer than you’ve been familiar with it.


Quitting Your Job To Follow Your Dreams Is For White People

Let’s be real: pursuing you passion is a luxury reserved for the privileged. Read...
Men like him understand there are little to no consequences for their actions. Image: Pixabay.

Brock Turner Will Rape Again. I Know, Because I've Been Assaulted By Men Like Him.

[N]o one held my molester down and called the police for what he did to me. He was quietly escorted away, and over the course of a few months, the whispers of support turned into accusations.

Being queer is about demolishing binaries. Image: Pixabay.

7 Things I Wish People Understood About Being Queer

Even a Google search will conflate “queer women” with “lesbian.” So the first and most obvious thing I wish people understood about being a queer woman, is that we exist.

What does Marvel have against casting Asians in film?

Dear Marvel: Where Are All The Actors Of Color?

Why is Marvel casting white actors to play Asian characters?

It's okay to dump your friends — even friends who have been there for you in the past.

It’s Okay To Dump Your Friends

It's okay to dump your friends — even friends who have been there for you in the past. Remember today that you deserve good things and good people.

You can learn to live with the pain, you can move on as I have after over a decade of self-reflection and hard work, but you never, ever get over it.

Why I’ll Never, Ever Get Over My Girlfriend’s Murder

You can learn to live with the pain, you can move on as I have after over a decade of self-reflection and hard work, but you never, ever get over it.

Let’s stop pretending like it’s irrelevant.

Politics Can And Should Ruin Friendships

To claim that something is “just politics” is to point out how much privilege you have, either systematically or incidentally.
