
Intersectional feminism is inclusive feminism.

Ask A Feminist: What Is Intersectional Feminism?

Understanding that systems of oppression tend to cast a wide net is the easy part. Next is the hard part: How do we as feminists work to position ourselves within the intersection of marginalized peoples and make sure we’re working with them, instead of stepping on them to get ahead?


Bad Blood: Taylor Swift's Misguided Feminism

Taylor Swift’s feminism (I don’t even like to call it that, but my feminism leaves room for any and all women to consider themselves feminists, and I stick to that because I have, you know, actual principles that guide my politics) is the kind of feminism that makes me want to shut my head in a car door a few times. It lacks critical thinking or inclusion. It’s about nothing but gender, and in the most limited of terms.

Rachel and her family

What Rachel Dolezal Teaches Us About Mental Illness

What initially broke as a story of possibly fraudulent misrepresentation by a public figure quickly morphed into the downfall of a highly disturbed and probably mentally ill woman.

Courtesy of, Wikimedia

Happy Birthday, Malcolm X—What Can We Learn From His Legacy? 

Malcolm X left this world with compassion, as well as a desire for equality and peace between folks of all ethnicities.


What It's Like To Be A Black Girl In Korea

When I first arrived to teach in Ulsan, South Korea, of February this year, I anticipated life being different. I knew that I was thrust into a homogeneous society but I did not know how different it would feel. Not only was everyone the same color, but they all spoke Korean and in some cases dressed the same. In my city, I did not see any people of color.

Credit: ThinkStock

What Drunk White People Get Away With, People Of Color Are Killed Over

Drunk or not, it’s a fact that white people are more prone to acting like assholes to authority figures—because we’re more likely to get away with it.


White Fragility: Why It's So Hard To Talk To White People About Racism

The antidote to white fragility is ongoing and life-long, and includes sustained engagement, humility, and education.


What On Earth To Make Of Azealia Banks' Whiteface Music Video

Banks' "Ice Princess" video shows that it's not only white people who can pick up someone else's culture.
