
I don’t have to quit because I'm rethinking what it means to be a "perfect" mother.

The Day I Wanted To Quit Motherhood​

"Can I quit motherhood?" I half-joked with my husband as he carried our toddler out of the bathroom. I was desperate, smelly, and completely drained.

I miss them. A lot. But I also enjoy the time I have without them and I'm a better parent because of this.

Time Away From My Kids Makes Me A Better Parent

I’m either flying solo — being anything and everything to my two kids — or I am literally solo. And it makes me a better parent.

Parenting gets harder. Giving up control of our kids is an art.

Parenting Gets Harder (If You’re Doing It Right)

Parenting gets harder. Giving up control of our kids is an art.

Moms carry so much with them everywhere they go.

To The Mom Sick Of Repeating Herself: I Feel You

To any mom out there who is sick of repeating herself — I feel you. I feel you so hard. It’s a double edge sword, these reminders. They exhaust us.

Tell your child something that they need to hear: they are safe, and you will stop at nothing to make sure that is always the case.

Tell Them They Are Safe (Even When You Don’t Believe It)

Children are not good at understanding odds. Tell them they are safe (even when you don't believe it).

Let your kids screw up. To my mind, the goal of raising kids is to make them into self-sufficient adults who are kind, smart, and capable of taking care of themselves.

Dear Parents, Go Ahead And Let Your Kids Screw Up Their Lives

“Parenting” has become a competitive sport. But it’s kids who are losing. Let your kids screw up.

Maybe your own parents didn’t talk to you about sex, and that instilled shame in you. But that shame isn’t yours to pass on to your children.

Parents, Please Talk To Your Kids About Sex

Talking about sex may make you uncomfortable, but so would having children who grow up in ignorance and fear.

Our society may not yet be post-gender, but our home can easily be.

Because “I’m A Human”: Non-Binary Parenting

I’ve been catapulted from gender-neutral parenting to a call to action to break down the gender binary altogether and move to non-binary parenting.
