

The Baby That Wasn't There

There wasn’t going to be any sparkle. There wasn’t going to be any new mommy magic.

Good times with teens ARE possible.

The Significant Differences Of Raising Toddlers Vs. Teens

Most of my friends have kids who are much younger than mine. We often share our parenting woes and victories, and I am always talking about the light at the end of the all-consuming-toddler-stage tunnel. There are things that were challenging, daunting, or slightly dreaded in my mind when my kids were toddlers. Now, these are wonderful cherished times with my teens:


4 Reasons Single Dads Fear New Relationships

Being a single dad can be tough. So why wouldn’t we want a little help? Why would we avoid new relationships? It’s not so simple. To a single dad, a relationship is a scary proposition.


5 Ways To Help A Stressed Kid Calm Down Immediately

You know how awful stress makes you feel…but seeing stress on your child’s face or hearing it in his or her voice? That feels even worse!


Forget Mom Guilt, I've Got Mom Anxiety!

Somewhere between the birth of my first child and the first time my youngest hurt himself and I told him to “walk it off,” I lost much of my mom guilt. It helps that a very good friend of mine, who'd already raised her children years before, shared some of her own hard-earned wisdom with me.


You're Literally Addicted To Babies, Study Finds

Science has finally confirmed what moms have been saying forever –– that newborn baby smell is intoxicating.

Image: <a href="">Vivian Kereki Photography</a>

No More Mommy Wars – A Canadian Viral Photo Project

“We are all starting for a place of complete and utter crazy love for our kids. If we can start there, when differences come up, hopefully we can approach people that are doing things in a totally different way from us in a inclusive, loving and non-judgmental way,” Stewart-Douglas says.

Tantrums suck, but they have to happen.

A Guide To Parenting Your Spirited, Emotional, Or Difficult Child 

What I’ve learned about kids (after having five — no, really, it's taken that long) is that some of what they are is how you raise them, and some of what they are is what is born in them. And some of it you think you can control, but that’s a dirty lie.
