Tina Plantamura
Tina Plantamura Articles
The cycle of poverty perpetuates in many undeveloped countries because women cannot get an education because of this natural monthly occurrence. It’s horrifying. But what does running a marathon and allowing your period blood to run down your legs have anything to do with this?
Read...There might be people in your social media bubble that make you irritated and annoyed. Would you go out of your way to surround yourself with people who make you cringe in real life? Why do it online?
Read...When An Open Letter To My Ex-Husband’s Girlfriend was published, thousands of people told me off for being disingenuous, controlling, narcissistic, or jealous.
Read...When planning to get married, what happens when you suddenly realize you don’t want to spend your hard earned money on a party for 100 people? And you don’t even know 100 people that you like enough to spend money on? And you don’t want to figure out what kind of dress your bridesmaids will wear because you don’t understand what the hell bridesmaids are for?
Read...I decided there had to be something of substance to the serial selfiest. These people can't possibly all be narcissists.
Read...Many people think it’s liberating and empowering to say whatever you want with as many “foul” expletives as possible. But did you know that your fondness for what many deem as “vulgar language” might be inadvertently helping the sex-shaming, slut-shaming, and body-shaming patriarchy?
Read...How do you take the sexism out of your sex life and make sure that pleasure doesn't revolve around him? This advice.
Read...As a full-time New Jersey shore resident, I am grateful that I live a few blocks from the ocean in a place where many people save their hard-earned money to visit for just a few days or weeks. But instead of painting a false picture about living in “paradise,” I’m going to be honest about what my life is really like living in a place where everyone around you is on vacation.
Read...Most of my friends have kids who are much younger than mine. We often share our parenting woes and victories, and I am always talking about the light at the end of the all-consuming-toddler-stage tunnel. There are things that were challenging, daunting, or slightly dreaded in my mind when my kids were toddlers. Now, these are wonderful cherished times with my teens:
Read...Holliday says she's defying modern day beauty standards. I'm not so sure.