Cynthia Lawrence
Cynthia Lawrence Articles
"When is there going to be baby number two?" It's a familiar question to those who opt to have an only child. But it's no one else's business whether or not I have another child.
Read...I crave it 24/7 and it follows me everywhere I go...even to the bathroom!
Read..."So what happens when the split is acrimonious and your friends end up dumping you, too? Suddenly you’re treated as an outcast, and when you bump into them in the street, they pretend they haven’t seen you, even when you’re standing in the next line in Costco!"
Read...The player — His shady behavior raises suspicions, and he never seems to elaborate on what he’s been doing. His phone constantly bleeps which he deliberately ignores (“must be the mother again…”) before switching it off.
Read...Having a baby is a joyous time but can often bring about drastic changes to the dynamic. With sleep deprivation, breastfeeding, body hang-ups, and not to mention the baby blues, it’s no surprise that time for each other and sex drive can be nonexistent.
Read...Before we’ve even had time to digest the festive season (and the last of the mulled wine), the overwhelming abundance of red hearts, teddy bears, and all things contrived come out to taunt us. They’re everywhere. From the zillion greeting cards, custom chocolates, gift ideas, sex toys, you name it — all in the name of a dude called Cupid.
Read...4. Bring sexy back — Your underwear drawer is starting to resemble your gran's. What happened to the sexy lingerie you used to enjoy buying (a long time ago)?
Read...Far from being shy and retiring wallflowers, introverts can be just as successful, (Bill Gates, J.K. Rowling), proving that you don’t have to be the loudest, abrasive, or most domineering to stand out from the crowd!
Read...But just when I thought I’d finally conquered the next hurdle of Corey starting pre-school, I was faced with yet a new one. Other mothers.
Read...As an only child, my father always told me, “You don’t have to be liked by everyone, and you don’t have to like them, too.” I guess I always sought a sense of approval from those around me growing up, and the desire to be ‘liked’ by my peers was vital.