
Summer vacation is basically one long-ass weekend, right? Image: Tim Gouw/Unsplash.

5 Things I'll Avoid Doing This Summer That Will Make Me A Happier Mom

Being a work-from-home-mom, I used to kind of loathe summer because it meant balancing activities and still trying to get all my stuff done, but this year is different. I’m allowing myself to take it slow (probably because I have no choice, being 32 weeks pregnant) and enjoy being a mama this summer.

It’s easy to dismiss addiction as someone else’s problem, especially when you don’t look like an addict. Image: Jen Simon.

What It's Like To Expose Your Biggest Secret To The World — And Watch It Go Viral

I admitted to being an opioid addict in The Washington Post. I never thought I would tell my parents about my addiction, let alone the entire world, but after a year of working on my sobriety, I felt like it was the right thing to do.

We want him to know that while things will change when his sister gets here, he can always come to us for anything, and we will always make time for him. Image:  Elizabeth Kardaseva/Pixabay.

5 Things I Plan On Doing Before I Become A Mom Of Two

I’m not going to lie or sugarcoat my feelings right now — I’m nervous about going from a mom of one to a mom of two. My son is seven, so he, my husband, and I have had seven years of time as “just the three of us.”

“I know what I am now. I’m pansexual.”  Image: Pixabay.

My 10-Year-Old Daughter Came Out At Pride. I'm Proud, But Also Afraid.

Moments after this big reveal, as I sat with the knowledge that I was the mother of a queer daughter, we heard about the man in Los Angeles being stopped on his way to Pride with guns and bombs, and I suddenly realized that my daughter was now one of the millions of people at risk because of vile and unreasonable hatred about non-straight sexuality.

“I know what I am now. I’m pansexual.”  Image: Pixabay.

My 10-Year-Old Daughter Came Out At Pride. I'm Proud, But Also Afraid.

Moments after this big reveal, as I sat with the knowledge that I was the mother of a queer daughter, we heard about the man in Los Angeles being stopped on his way to Pride with guns and bombs, and I suddenly realized that my daughter was now one of the millions of people at risk because of vile and unreasonable hatred about non-straight sexuality.

I positioned my phone at the perfect angle to capture both my belly rolls and my smile. Image: Sarah Hosseini.

Posting A Semi-Nude Selfie On Facebook Helped Me Love My Body

A surge of adrenaline hits me. I want to snap a selfie. A semi-nude selfie.

I have a hard time believing that men can be victims of domestic violence, and I know that my stepfather Joe is at the root of my problem. Image: Lechon Kirb/Unsplash.

My Abusive Stepfather Made Me Think Men Can't Be Victims Of Domestic Violence

Although I hesitate to admit it, I have a hard time believing that men can be victims of domestic violence, and I know that my stepfather Joe is at the root of my problem.

Values should carry over into one's parenting. Image: Pexels.

5 Ways I Practice Intersectional Feminist Parenting

My beliefs about people’s rights, including my own, are a significant factor in how I define myself, how I identify, and how I treat other people. And since I happen to be raising people, my approach to parenting must reflect those beliefs too.
