Sarah Hosseini


Sarah Hosseini is a writer with the helpless tendency to tell the absolute, and sometimes hilariously uncomfortable, truth. She loves both f-words (feminism, and you know the other). Read more at She lives in Atlanta-ish.

Sarah Hosseini Articles

Unfortunately, eating the WAHM cake isn’t always sweet.

The Work-At-Home Mom Revolution: Choice Or Trap?

When it comes to the work-at-home mom revolution, it’s important to recognize that this set up is not a choice for many mothers, it is a trap.

I positioned my phone at the perfect angle to capture both my belly rolls and my smile. Image: Sarah Hosseini.

Posting A Semi-Nude Selfie On Facebook Helped Me Love My Body

A surge of adrenaline hits me. I want to snap a selfie. A semi-nude selfie.


Roxane Gay Made Me Realize My Body Image Issues Are Kind Of Bullsh*t

I don’t have a so-called “unruly body,” as Gay calls it. Therefore, my body still plays by the societal rules and meets the expectations of what a woman “should” look like.

And my youngest daughter likes sparkly shoes. She likes pretty things. Image: Thinkstock.

It's OK For My Kid To Care About Looks

“Okay, we have these new bell bottoms with a red tank top, jelly bean leggings, or the purple dress,” I say.


Why I'm Done Making Mommy Wine Jokes

It’s time to get clear on why alcohol is not a cultural cliché or gimmick we should get behind. Really, it only distracts us from solving the social problems we face. We need to reject it.

According to mass media, you are either a frumpy, harried, hot ass mess mom who is running around like a maniac on speed...

10 Reasons Rebel Moms TOTALLY ROCK

I love my babies, but they’re NOT my whole world. They don’t make up my whole being.

Why aren’t the feelings of the woman valid? Shouldn’t she be listening to her body? Her mind? Image: Thinkstock

Stop Making Married Moms Feel Bad About Not Having Sex

While we know adjusting to a new baby can profoundly impact a couple’s life (including sexual intimacy), we, as a society, act like it shouldn’t. We act like there’s something wrong with a new mother needing a time out from sex.
