mental health

I had spent so much time yearning for solitude that I had never really confronted the reality of being alone.

I Love Solitude, But I'm Terrified Of Being Alone

I have sought out solitude my entire life — up until pretty recently, it was a hard thing to come by. 


Mountains Of Molehills: Inside My Anxious Mind

While I laughed at her old-school idiom, once she explained the concept I knew she was right. I was making a bigger deal out of things than was necessary or appropriate; she just didn’t understand that it wasn’t a choice.


The Hardest Part Of My Depression Is Knowing That It Will Come Back

Here’s the thing about depression: it cycles. Even when I’m on medication, going to therapy and doing everything I’m able to do in order to stay healthy and keep it at bay, it bleeds in and out of my soul.

Image from YouTube

How The Michelle Carter Case Gets Suicide And Mental Illness Wrong

To say that Michelle Carter committed manslaughter is to accuse her of having the deliberate and malicious intent to take Conrad Roy III’s life. We are accusing her of not only assisting his suicide, but of coordinating it criminally.

Are some people just naturally more forgetful than others?

Why Am I So Forgetful? 

All your memory questions answered.

Anxiety is serious business, but it doesn’t have to rule your life. Once you learn about it, you can take more control.

5 Ways To Stop Anxiety Attacks



Having A Cat Makes Me Feel Better About Being Alive

I told Winnie that I was queer before I told anyone human—late at night, in my room, after writing it down in my journal. “You won’t stop loving me if I’m gay, will you?” I asked him. He replied with his signature loud meow.

Remember that therapy is just one small part of your overall mental (and physical, because that mind-body shit is serious business) wellbeing.

4 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Therapy Appointment

This is your health we’re talking about, something often forgotten when it comes to treating that tricky organ hanging out between our ears. You deserve the right to a therapist who addresses your unique needs.
