Alexis Dent
Alexis Dent Articles
The hashtag #CondeNasty was aptly started by Roslyn Talusan to vocalize the injustices suffered by writers of color at the hands of Condé Nast. These egregious acts are perhaps most apparent within media darling Teen Vogue, which has seen a sudden explosion in adoration since their political coverage went stratospherically viral during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Read...From the start of the song we see that Halsey and Lauren aren’t hiding what this song is about: ex-girlfriends and the mourning of love lost.
Read...To say that Michelle Carter committed manslaughter is to accuse her of having the deliberate and malicious intent to take Conrad Roy III’s life. We are accusing her of not only assisting his suicide, but of coordinating it criminally.
Read...Assuming all women want to bear children is as anti-feminist and reductive as we can get — despite how often I’m on the receiving end of these comments from women who claim to be pro-choice.
Read...Without the destigmatization that occurs when an illness is deemed legitimate, America loses more lives to suicide. Without legislation that protects its constituents, America loses more lives to suicide. The common denominator here is loss, and unfortunately that loss will grow exponentially if the United States fails to see the suicide epidemic for what it is.