Hillary Clinton
The “daughter bump” is actually very common when it comes to influencing our political leanings — whether that’s for voters or elected officials. In a study for the American Journal of Political Science, researchers Maya Sen and Adam Glynn found that having a daughter has a marked effect on judges’ decisions.
Read..."I think he has to answer for what he says, and I assume that others will make the larger point about his language. It’s not the first time he’s demonstrated a penchant for sexism. Again, I’m not sure anybody’s surprised that he keeps pushing the envelope," said Clinton.
Read...Hillary Clinton wants you to “believe women”—as long as they’re not the ones who accused her husband of assaulting them.
Read...With the prospect of another Bush/Clinton presidential contest looming as ominously as Donald Trump's hairpiece, the word "dynasty" seems to be frothing off of many a pundit's keyboard. "Clinton, Bush struggle to shed dynasty labels," a Washington Post headline declared.
Read...Hold on: Have you seen Hillary Clinton's Instagram account yet?
Read...In the (totally super awesome) event that Hillary Clinton were elected President of this fine country....wait. Who then, would be the First Lady?