Nico Lang

Nico Lang


Nico Lang is a Meryl Streep enthusiast, critic, and essayist. You can read his work on Salon, Rolling Stone, L.A. Times, Washington Post, and the Guardian. He’s also the author of The Young People Who Traverse Dimensions and the co-editor of the best-selling BOYS anthology series.

Nico Lang Articles

"Believe women."

In The Case Of Rape: Hillary Clinton Was Asked If We Should Believe Bill’s Accusers

Hillary Clinton wants you to “believe women”—as long as they’re not the ones who accused her husband of assaulting them.

Image: <a href="">Flickr</a>

A Possible Gay Romance In The Force Awakens Is Just What Hollywood Needs

But in giving us a female Jedi and a black Stormtrooper, I hope that The Force Awakens can also give Star Wars fans our first queer fighter pilot.

We need to believe in feminism before we get married and raise daughters.

The Daughter Bump: Why Having Daughters Might Affect Hillary’s Votes

The “daughter bump” is actually very common when it comes to influencing our political leanings — whether that’s for voters or elected officials. In a study for the American Journal of Political Science, researchers Maya Sen and Adam Glynn found that having a daughter has a marked effect on judges’ decisions.

Not that weird, folks.

Calling All Dads: Facebook Sets The Tone For Paternity Leave

Facebook is just one of a number of Silicon Valley firms offering paid leave to workers — whether that’s maternity or paternity.

The long-held fear among Republicans was that recognizing gay relationships would fundamentally destroy the institution of marriage — but, if anything, equality has only made marriage stronger.

The Reason Queer Couples Don't Get Divorced As Often As Hetero Couples

It seemed like only a matter of time. After marriage equality was legalized by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision last June, the LGBT community both celebrated this historic victory and quietly girded its loins for the inevitable — the wave of same-sex breakups.

Or some friends you get together with only to stare at your phones...

Friend Request Me!: Are Your Digital Friends Your Real Friends? 

According to a recent report from Oxford professor and researcher Robin Dunbar, Facebook users can only rely on a small group of their digital acquaintances in times of crisis.

"Can't, sorry. I'm..."

Why We Have To Stop Being The Other "B" Word — Busy!

It’s the other “B-word.” You know it — that word that bubbles up when you run into an colleague or catch up with a friend you haven’t seen since she decided to go back to grad school. “How are you?” you ask, and before you finish the question, the synonyms start pouring out.


Don’t Blame Muslims For San Bernardino. Hold Congress Accountable.

In the wake of unspeakable tragedy, being able to point the finger at a culprit helps sooth our national anguish. Following the Germanwings crash, we looked to the mental state of the pilot, Andreas Lubitz, who was routinely in treatment for psychological issues and depression; he told doctors he feared he was going blind.
