fat acceptance

Whitney Way Thore: Dancer, TLC Star, Generally Awesome Person

What I love about Whitney — besides that she's funny as hell — is she is genuine. That's a hokey thing to say, but it's true. I adore her, and I know you will, too.

Loving your body isn’t easy, but once you start, it gets easier.

Loving Your Body Isn't Easy #DitchTheDiet2016

How does that old cliché go? “Love is not a noun, it’s a verb”? Loving your body is a verb. It’s an action — and in many ways it’s a sacred and defiant one.

Loving your body isn’t easy, but once you start, it gets easier.

Loving Your Body Isn't Easy #DitchTheDiet2016

How does that old cliché go? “Love is not a noun, it’s a verb”? Loving your body is a verb. It’s an action — and in many ways it’s a sacred and defiant one.

The BIG Bang McGillicuddy.

Why I Strip

“Why would you do that? You have a daughter. Why would you put yourself in that position?”


Virgie Tovar: Body Positive Activist, Donut Enthusiast

"She has created an important space on the internet and in the real world, a space that women and girls are free to take up however they please."


Sorry, But I'm NOT Sorry That My Fat Body Offends You

When you're a semi-to-full-on fatty, you bounce between being very sensitive on the subject of weight to being an iron wall of apathy. And when I'm in a particularly apathetic state of mind, I'm actually in a place of great self-esteem.

Fat isn't bad.

3 Tiny Ways That Thin People Can Shift Their Language To Support Fat Acceptance

So you’re on a diet, and you’re really pumped about it. You truly, honestly believe that you’re—say—“getting your body back” post-partum (that’s a harmful concept) or improving your fitness a la the latest technological tracking device (that’s also a harmful concept). And while I think we need to throw a lot of these ideas in the trash, I’m also understanding of how diet culture makes you believe that these are good things – things, in fact, to brag about.

Image: Dane Schnittman/The Outlaws Photo Project.

I’m Transgender And I Need Body Positivity Too

This is fancy talk for “holy shit, I cannot make peace with my body today or ever, because this body is telling the world I’m a woman when I’m actually not.”
