
Why Am I Keeping All Of This Sh*t? A Case For Decluttering

A couple of years ago I asked my therapist if she thought my inability to separate things and the memories associated with those things was some kind of coping mechanism. The same way the smell of a Jose Cuervo tequila makes me panic, does a shawl make me calm.

Relax. Your elderly relatives are probably pretty cool.

7 Tips For Talking To Grandpa This Holiday Season

Hey, the holidays are coming up, and you’re gonna see some relatives.

Christmas can be downright brutal if you're financially hard up already. (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

It's Christmas And You're Broke: How To Survive

A weekly trip to Walmart would end in tears — first theirs, then mine. Them pining in the toy aisle. Me saying no. Over and over. It wasn’t so much that I wanted to buy my kids whatever they wanted, it was that I couldn’t.

It’s the black cloud that never, ever goes away — despite the resilience it has armored me with.

Addiction & Recovery: When Your Parents Are The Problem

No addiction or recovery story is the same. You don’t always kick the habit and you don’t always find the forgiveness which you seek. Around 60% of addicts relapse, according to the U.S. government. Others die. Others end up prison. Others lose their kids. Some make a full recovery.

Original image by Markus Spiske, via Unsplash

8 Simple Things That Will Maybe Make You Forget The World Is Awful

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, the world is a disaster right now.


Beyond Before & After Week 23: Thanksgiving Edition AKA How To Maintain Your Sanity

I started this column about five times over the weekend. It’s now Monday, 8 AM, and I’m starting it for a sixth time.
