
Do you have a safe word for family holidays?

Surviving Family Holiday Meals: 2017 Edition

Do you have a safe word for family holidays? A word that means, “Meet me in the bathroom with pie, cuz sh*t just got real?” You’re not alone.

The author and her niece — so much cute!

Understanding My Privilege As A Mixed Race Woman With White Family

I have my own army who fights against injustice. I have a mother who handed out fliers boycotting grapes during Cesar Chavez’s unionizing efforts. I have an aunt and uncle who told me never to question the importance of affirmative action.

If your sibling were raped by your friend, wouldn't you want to know? I most definitely would.

Ask Erin: Should I Tell My Brother That His Best Friend Raped Me?

She’s made all the mistakes, so you don’t have to… Ask Erin is a weekly advice column, in which Erin answers your burning questions about anything at all.


My Schizophrenic Grandmother’s Footprints Are Just My Size

I had become utterly obsessed with the idea that the gene could ignite at any moment within my own body. As if the gene had preconceived notions or could sense a budding anti-establishment humor in me; as if I had already been fitted for the gene and the title to match, heavy indeed and without much say in the matter.

One person can’t hold up the weight of another at all times. It’s especially difficult in situations of role reversal, like with parents and kids.

What's Not Said: When Your Parents Take A Toll On Your Health

It can really take a toll on you when you have to parent a parent.

image credit: The Disney Channel

Doc McStuffins Now Features A Two-Mom, Biracial Family, Proving That Disney Is More Woke Than Most Of America

Kids just aren't born with this pre-conceived bullshit about people and families and sex and gender.

The Oregon Coast is not ugly.

Do You Have To Spend Vacation With Your Kids?

You don't have to feel lost without your children, or miss them to the point of paralysis to be a good, even a great, mother.

image credit: Joni Edelman

What Do Mothers Around The Globe Know About Breastfeeding, That American Moms Don’t?   

Science, as it turns out, is not the answer to everything — certainly not breastfeeding.
