Eating Disorders

I am doing a few things to prevent my children from inheriting my eating disorder, and I’m hoping and wishing and praying that it works.

I Don’t Want My Children To Inherit My Eating Disorder

I am doing a few things to prevent my children from inheriting my eating disorder, and I’m hoping and wishing and praying that it works.

Caring for someone with an eating disorder can be incredibly stressful, so it's also vital that you have your own support structuring in place.

Can You Brie There For Me?: Polyamory & My Eating Disorder

I didn't tell them there were four individuals in the rapidly sinking ship that was our polyamory relationship: myself, him, her, and my eating disorder.

A lot of the diet industry is full of garbage ideas. (Image Credit: Unsplash/Sasha Freemind)

10 Lessons I've Learned In 10 Years Of Eating Disorder Recovery

When I was first diagnosed with anorexia ten years ago, I vaguely knew that eating disorders were a feminist issue.

When I finally gained weight, I realized that my value and self-worth didn’t change at all. Image: G Stanley Photography (L); Maddy Moon (R)

3 Reasons Why Gaining Weight Is Not The End Of The World

My biggest nightmare came true. I gained weight.

Credit: Shutterstock

5 Things Eating Disorder Victims Are Sick of Hearing

When speaking with eating disorder victims, what not to say is as important as what to say.
