
Yet More Information About Why BMI Isn't The Best Health Metric

In reality, we should be consulting with our own individual doctors about our own individual health statuses because giant studies don’t tell us diddly-squat about our own bodies (and neither do BMIs, for the most part).


"Your Body Does Not Want You To Lose Weight"

Your body is smart as hell and it does not want you to die. If you start depriving it of fuel, it will slow down the rate at which you burn fuel and step up the desire to provide it with more fuel. In others words, you’ll burn fewer calories and you’ll be hungry all the time.

There are plenty of fat people who are “healthy” and plenty of thin people who are incredibly “unhealthy.”

Why Losing Weight Isn't The Answer To All Your Health Woes

You can improve your health without losing weight!

You're a human, not a yo-yo.

Why Yo-Yo Dieting Isn't Working For You

So many of us try to stick to diets, only to find ourselves bingeing, then restricting more, then bingeing again, then restricting more, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. Our weight is all over the place, our sanity is all over the place, and we feel totally out of control with food.

The Weight Watchers thing? Stop it. Sell your shares back. Image: Youtube.

Dear Oprah, Shut Up. #bread4ever

In February, you gave me that soul-punching gaze again and told me it's okay to eat bread while we obtain Our Best Bodies. You lost 26(!) pounds and you eat bread every damn day! I feel how miraculous this is for you because you've probably made bread evil, along with All The Carbs and fat on your body.

The Weight Watchers thing? Stop it. Sell your shares back. Image: Youtube.

Dear Oprah, Shut Up. #bread4ever

In February, you gave me that soul-punching gaze again and told me it's okay to eat bread while we obtain Our Best Bodies. You lost 26(!) pounds and you eat bread every damn day! I feel how miraculous this is for you because you've probably made bread evil, along with All The Carbs and fat on your body.

Choosing mindfulness.

Today, Instead Of Dieting, I’m Choosing Mindfulness

I’m breaking up with meticulously measuring meals, miles, minutes, etc. I’m worn-out by the fatigue that follows the cycles of fixation. These cycles disguise themselves as control and help me define myself within parameters that feel palpable – things I can wrap my head around.

You can love, accept, and appreciate yourself and your body now, independent of your weight.

7 Reasons Why "I Need To Lose Weight" Is A Damn Lie

I’ve heard this so many times: “Your talk of normal eating and body love is all good and fine — but I need to lose weight.” This is what I have to say to you: You don’t.
