
Since my battle with breast cancer in the spring of 2013, my life changed forever.

Compassion Is Complicated After Cancer

Upset you lost your keys? Try losing your breast. Pissed off about missing that train? Try missing your son’s 8th grade graduation because of a horrific infection from fluid buildup in the previously-mentioned missing breast. See what I mean? It kind of puts life into perspective.

If something seems “off” about your breast, talk to your doctor. Don’t let fear keep you from treatment.

Everything You Need To Know About Male Breast Cancer (And Probably Didn’t Know to Ask)

It’s estimated that 2600 new male breast cancer diagnoses will occur in 2016. Yes, you read that right. Male breast cancer. Here's what you need to know. Pass this along to the men in your life.

Drop the douchebag, folks. Your vagina will thank you.

New Study Shows Possible Link Between Douching And Ovarian Cancer

Drop the douchebag, folks. Your vagina will thank you.

Who's panicking? Not me. Image: Joni Edelman.

My Mammogram Revealed 'Abnormal' Tissue. They Told Me Not To Panic. I Panicked.

Do you want people to for-sure panic? Tell them not to panic.


Aunt Ginger: Mammograms 4Ever!

Forty means mammogram.

Fighting for fat rights isn’t just about fighting for access to clothing or the demand to be seen as beautiful. Image: Virgie Tovar.

Take The Cake: Medical Fatphobia Almost Killed My Friend

We forego doctor visits because we know with near-total certitude that we are going to be told to lose weight. That we don’t need care — we just need to “cut back.”

We massage hope into our cheeks and forehead and wait for miracles to materialize.

The Beauty Of The Moment

The body and face we have today is such a tenuous thing. The longer I live, the more strongly aware I am that there are no promises of health or wholeness. Beauty is fleeting, and does it matter anyway if your body suddenly ceases to work the way it "should"? Would I regret the days I spent peering at imperfections if suddenly my sight were gone?

Cancer survivors will tell you that from the moment a doctor says, “You have cancer,” it consumes your life. It’s not only terrifying, it’s disruptive to the lives of entire families.

Calling Double Mastectomies "Overkill" Misses The Point

Women I’ve known with breast cancer are willing to go through screening, diagnosis, and treatment once — and only once.
