body shaming


Why Is Etsy Banning These Rad Period-Themed Accessories?

Periods happen. They just do. This is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. It’s just a thing. Like how hunger happens, or or a sneeze happens. It’s a body thing that… happens.

The dirty truth about how detrimental those post-baby-body stories are to women hit me one week after my son’s birth. Image: Thinkstock.

Why I'm Swearing Off “Post-Baby Body” Stories

In my work as an entertainment writer, some of the easiest stories are the post-baby body reveals. You know the type: “Within three days of delivery, Celebrity Person shed any trace her womb housing a growing baby for the past 10 months! Look at those abs!”

Like the book says: Everybody poops!

Everybody Poops!: Why We Shouldn’t Poop Shame

Recently, my poop schedule got a little wonky and instead of going first thing in the morning (like I prefer), my bowel movements have unfortunately been at work. Usually, this wouldn’t be any issue, except the time I got unintentionally poop shamed.


Fat Shaming DOES Inspire Me

So yes, I’m fat now. But you know what else? I’m happy. Succesful. Fulfilled. On a career path that makes me feel whole. In a relationship that feels like it’s a dream. Mentally balanced in a way I’ve never experienced before, and no one gets to take this away from me by demanding I change my body for their comfort. I’m no longer willing to sacrifice my happiness for someone else’s approval.

Inside Out Joy and Sadness

Inside Out: A Response To How Pixar Misses The Mark

The overall theme of Inside Out is both well-meaning and beautiful; the expression of Riley’s conflicting emotions is artfully shared.

You know what’s an epidemic? Making people feel second rate and ashamed, criminalizing them for something like having an obese pregnancy.

Pregnancy, Obesity, And The Lies We Tell

You know what’s an epidemic? Making people feel second rate and ashamed, criminalizing them for something like having an obese pregnancy.
