
The scale isn't the best indictor of health — no matter how old you are.

My Daughter’s Failure To Thrive Taught Me To Ignore the Scale

“Then why are you so worried about the scale?” Why was I? I had finally let go of the scale as an indicator of my own health, but my inability to do the same when it came to my daughter was bringing up the same old feelings of inadequacy and frustration.

No grinding espresso, please.

5 Things Made To Sabotage Your Baby's Infancy And Your Sanity

Don’t flush the toilet. Don’t turn on the lights. This is a good time to either meditate or partake in that incredibly wise bit of advice to sleep when the baby sleeps.


10 Things I Learned Flying Around The World With An Infant

Just like kids who kick the seat in front of them and middle-aged women who get drunk and chatty on long flights, crying babies are a fact of life.

Babies change things. This we know to be true.

Is Your Relationship In Flux? 4 Crisis-Inducing Changes

Having a baby is a joyous time but can often bring about drastic changes to the dynamic. With sleep deprivation, breastfeeding, body hang-ups, and not to mention the baby blues, it’s no surprise that time for each other and sex drive can be nonexistent.

My husband is SUPER nervous about this baby.

I'm Not Nervous About Having A Baby But My Husband Is Freaking OUT

I guess it’s normal to be nervous. All we hear about is the pain and agony surrounding childbirth. People enjoy warning you about sleepless nights, tons of laundry and the massive poops you’ll deal with once the baby is here.


Jenna Kim Jones: Comedian, Podcaster, Proud Mormon

The funniest Mormon on air!

Babies, pink, and feminism. Courtesy of, LibreShot

"Yes, I Can Wear Pink": 10 Things About Feminism For My Boyfriend 

Since I was a little girl I have dreamed about finding that special someone. You know, the guy who is brave enough to say those three little words: I'm a feminist.

Backstreet MEN (Credit: Facebook)

In Honor Of Backstreet Boys Documentary, Let's Go Back (Alright!)

These five jams changed the world forever. Or at least my pubescent life.
