Jennifer Fliss

Jennifer Fliss


Jennifer Fliss is a New York raised, Wisconsin schooled, Seattle based writer. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in diverse publications including, Ravishly, The Establishment, Brain Child Magazine, Zelle/Runner’s World, and The Citron Review. More can be found on her website,

Jennifer Fliss Articles

Chick-fil-A’s Mom’s Valet And The Not-So-Subtle Nod To The Company’s Family "Values"

Chick-fil-A is at it again. This time they’re out to help. Honestly. They’ve rolled out a new service, the Mom’s Valet. Moms can order their food via the drive-thru and then go inside the fast-food restaurant, where a table will be ready, complete with high chairs and booster seats, and then have their food brought to the table by an employee. The program isn’t implemented by their corporate office yet, but has been rolled out in over 100 Chick-fil-A outlets.

"Tirimisu for Two: I would never just have my nails painted for my own pleasure and enjoyment. I’ve done this for you. For us. It’s all about snagging a partner." Image: Thinkstock

Weirdly Sexist Nail Polish Names, From The Eyeroll-Worthy To The Utterly Absurd

Chick Flick Cherry: If it’s about romance, it’s a chick flick. About love: chick flick. Maybe it’s about chickens. Poultry love. Either way: for you, I’ll watch it. So you can pop my cherry afterwards. My nail polish is just asking for it.


Star Wars Takes A Wife

On a dark rainy night, when our toddler was asleep, he set up Star Wars: A New Hope — who knew that was what it was called? — on the laptop. I, with a skeptical brow, cozy blanket, and my phone (in case boredom struck)...


2015 Vernacular That Needs To Go. Now. 

All the feels. If you take this out of context (and it’s never really in context), it sounds vaguely pornographic. No, not vaguely. It does sound pornographic. So a kitty and bunny befriending each other should not evoke “all the feels.” Otherwise please step away. go.

You wanted to right a wrong. Or, wrong a right. Or something like that.

An Open Letter To People Who Write Open Letters

I don’t think you meant well. You wanted to vomit your discontent to the world. Isn’t that embarrassing? Or is it like a seven-cocktails-and-two-shots kind of vomit?

Have fun with the boiling water, sucker.

11 Things Your Breast Pump Is Saying To You

It is the denigrating soundtrack of a breast pumping session. You, sitting at its mercy. It, just taking and taking.

Christmas ornaments: a history.

Your Life, As Defined By Your Christmas Ornaments

A photo of your long-dead cat, Milo, in a brass Easter egg-shaped frame. Oh, sweet animal, I miss your furballs, you think when you hang it on a low branch. Milo had an uncanny ability to hork on laps when unwanted visitors overstayed their welcome.

No grinding espresso, please.

5 Things Made To Sabotage Your Baby's Infancy And Your Sanity

Don’t flush the toilet. Don’t turn on the lights. This is a good time to either meditate or partake in that incredibly wise bit of advice to sleep when the baby sleeps.

It took me over 10 years to make these stories, MY stories, public. Image: Thinkstock.

I Was Abused As A Child — Now I'm Writing My Own Story

Here’s the thing: I have benefited greatly from reading stories from others, the daring narratives of those who have histories similar to my own. We feel more human when we hear that other humans relate to an experience we maybe thought was our very own private hell.
