
Loud buzzes from your phone can translate to zero clear thinking.

Here’s Why I’ll Never Be A Phone Person (But I Still Love You)

It’s not that you don’t love the people calling you (unless you’re solely receiving spam calls), it’s just that you’d rather be with them. You think that the phone can’t replace seeing their faces, experiencing their presence in all the dimensions currently available to humans. And sometimes (okay, a lot of the time) you just need time to recharge by yourself. Why does that feel so wrong sometimes?

"Mental illness is hard. Being a person is hard. Don’t try to do it alone." | Image Credit: Rhendi Rukmana via Unsplash

The Obsessive-Compulsive Dame: Ask For Help

Mental illness is hard. Being a person is hard. Don’t try to do it alone.

No retail "therapy" here.

When Shopping For Clothes Is Traumatizing

I have to go shopping tomorrow and I’m dreading it.

Mondays With Matt: What Happens When Your Biggest Fears Come True?

Mondays With Matt: What Happens When Your Biggest Fears Come True?

This week, Matt talks about fear. What happens when the worst thing you can imagine happening, actually happens?

Whenever a thought pops up into my mind, I stop, assess it, and then talk it off its ledge. Imagine doing this 50 times a day — it gets tiring.

The Invisible Life Of Having High-Functioning Anxiety 

Anxiety disorders — PTSD, OCD, and Panic Disorder, to name a few — are the most common mental illnesses in the United States, with about 18% of the population struggling with one. No one wants to be put on blast for their weaknesses or wiring issues. I just wish there was a way to better understand the silent majority — the people who suffer every day.

People are always surprised when they find out I have really severe social anxiety.

#MondaysWithMatt: What If Nobody Wants Me Around? 

It's Monday — Boo! But, it's also time for another installment of #MondaysWithMatt — Yeah! 


Beyond Before & After Week 23: Thanksgiving Edition AKA How To Maintain Your Sanity

I started this column about five times over the weekend. It’s now Monday, 8 AM, and I’m starting it for a sixth time.

image credit: Joni Edelman

Are My Child's Special Needs My Fault?

Day three of “no.”

Let’s get dressed.


Let’s eat breakfast.


Time to get our shoes on!

