
People (particularly women) who are unabashed in their sex positivity and who refuse to be ashamed of their bodies are seen as threats to the status quo. Image: Thinkstock.

I'm Not Ashamed Of My STI — And Now I'm Being Harassed Because Of It. #ShoutYourStatus

I’ve been writing about stigmatized topics on the Internet for almost 10 years, so it’s never a surprise to me when I get pushback or face trolling or abuse for my opinions. I am a woman on the Internet, after all. Men love to tell me how stupid I am on a regular basis.

Not everyone is gonna fit in a zen box. (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

You Are Not Forgiven

Forgiveness is a virtue exalted in our culture, but I do not fit into any Zen portrait of clemency. I do not think fitting into said portrait should be a prerequisite for healing. The benefits of forgiveness are questionable. Forgiving one’s partner for indiscretions does not necessarily improve relationships.

Bearing witness to people's pain can test the strength of one's faith in humanity.

3 Things That Break My Heart As A Therapist

I first realized my desire to help people back in P.S.


Fighting Domestic Violence: Men Must Step Up

On September 30 of this year, President Obama issued a

I want to feel and share deeply, intimately. I can’t admit any of this out loud. Image: Thinkstock.

Denial Won't Help Me Recover From Trauma

[M]y therapist pointed out there’s a huge discrepancy in the way I present myself. On the one hand, I am a successful working person who seems fine and normal. On the other hand, I have a hard time with basic self-care and very often experience dissociation, depression, and anxiety as a result of sexual trauma and PTSD. And between these seemingly different people is a huge gap occupied by denial.

If our kids hear us excusing rape or sexual assault in any way, they will internalize that message. Image: Krewr Studio/Pexels.

6 Ways We (Accidentally) Teach Our Kids Rape Culture

As moms and dads, we probably don’t talk directly about rape to kids, at least not until they’re older. But we’re still sending messages about sex and consent all the time. Because of that, we need to make sure we’re not teaching them some very dangerous lessons, even if just by accident.

I have a hard time believing that men can be victims of domestic violence, and I know that my stepfather Joe is at the root of my problem. Image: Lechon Kirb/Unsplash.

My Abusive Stepfather Made Me Think Men Can't Be Victims Of Domestic Violence

Although I hesitate to admit it, I have a hard time believing that men can be victims of domestic violence, and I know that my stepfather Joe is at the root of my problem.

Recovery from trauma is a journey. Image: Rocksana Rocksana/Unsplash.

Trauma Broke Me Into Parts, But I Found Wholeness Through IFS Therapy

Individual “parts” of my system [...] have become dysfunctional as a result of trauma. Some of these parts are stuck as young children or teenagers, while others carry individual emotions like worry or anger. They’re all still parts of my whole — not full-fledged personalities as in dissociative identity disorder — but they are separate enough to take on a life of their own to protect me from harm.
