Joanna Schroeder

Joanna Schroeder


Joanna Schroeder is the type of working mom who opens her car door and junk spills out all over the ground. She serves as Executive Editor of The Good Men Project and is a freelance writer whose work has appeared on sites like Redbook, Yahoo!, xoJane,,, and more. Joanna loves playing with her sons, skateboarding with her husband, and hanging out with friends. She just finished her first novel. Follow her shenanigans on Twitter.

Joanna Schroeder Articles

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This Amazing Video Will Change The Way You See Barbie Dolls…But Is It Enough?

Mattel’s brand new video featuring empowered little girls will make you cry. But will the toy industry ever change?

Credit: Thinkstock

10 Reasons Christmas Makes Me Love My Husband Even More

No, it’s not the presents. It’s all the little things.

The writer and her son

The Dirty Little Secret Parents Are Hiding: We’re Actually Pretty Happy

People try to keep it real by talking about the struggles of being a parent, and that’s great, but the truth is this: Parenting can be great fun.

Credit: Thinkstock

7 Things I’m Not Afraid To Tell My Sons About Love, Sex And Their Bodies

I’m spelling them out here so that other parents can talk about them and other boys can see that there isn’t just one way to become a good man.

LEGO Friends. Image: Flickr

The Gendered Toy Debate: Why LEGO Friends Is Bad For Boys And Girls

I first saw shame take over my son’s face in a somewhat unexpected place: the toy aisle at Target.

Credit: Thinkstock

Why I Stopped Weighing Myself

I'm going to keep an eye on my health—but keep the scale under the bathroom vanity.


9 Ridiculous Things You Never Thought You Would Do When You Got Married

And then reality kicks in and you think, “What happened to us?” Where once there were fireworks are now phone calls about broken appliances and picking up diapers. But these changes aren’t necessarily bad. Sometimes things change dramatically and you realize how amazingly better your relationship is now, all these years later.

Wonder Woman is the hero so many women and girls have been waiting for their whole lives.

8 Inspiring Wonder Woman Moments That Will Change Hollywood Forever

There are about a zillion things I could say about what Patty Jenkins was able to accomplish with this movie, but for now I just want to touch on a few of the singular aspects of this film that were game-changers for all of Hollywood (and kids everywhere).

Betcha this dog is pretty happy about not dieting, too.

Why I Stopped Dieting And I Couldn't Be Happier

As I grew older, I came to rely upon dieting as a way to ease my anxiety and feel in control. I was no longer in a cycle of eating too little or body dysmorphia, but controlling my food intake made me feel less invisible in a sea of girls where I felt like I'd disappear. It was almost a form of self-medication, to know that I could go on a diet and lose a few pounds.
