self care
It's okay to hate Thanksgiving. After years of gritting my teeth I finally gave myself permission to choose what I wanted to do.
It was impossible to binge — not being able to chew took away much of the enjoyment. I had to change my relationship with food.
Internet trolls and their fat insults (no matter how creative) don’t make me cry. There's power in reclaiming fat insults!
Winter is coming with the cold bite to the wind, the short days and long nights. We can’t escape it but here's how you can cope with winter like a Read...
There is a new game on Kickstarter called Hey There Fatty! It comes packaged in a stereotypical Chinese food delivery container.
Exercise is empowering for me as a disabled person, which is why I persevere. Exercise is my way of controlling my chronic illness.
Diet culture teaches us is that the grass is always greener on the skinnier side of our memories. I'm confronting my own weight-gain anxiety.
One day my female boss said, “Our insurance doesn’t cover birth control, but it covers Viagra.” How do we not have access to affordable Read...