Briana Hernandez

Briana Hernandez


Briana is a plus-size fashion and body-positive blogger at She lives in Oakland, CA with her husband, son, and tortie cat, Divvy. 

Briana Hernandez Articles

Briana Hernandez, Mama Fierce Blog

Confronting And Crushing Weight-Gain Anxiety

Diet culture teaches us is that the grass is always greener on the skinnier side of our memories. I'm confronting my own weight-gain anxiety.

Watching my friends become single was heart-wrenching.

Another One Bites The Dust: Surviving My Friends' Divorces

It may be their lives, but it's affecting my marriage — for better and worse.

My relationship with exercise is one of the most complicated relationships I have.

Exercising While Fat Positive: It's Complicated

Exercising doesn't mean I hate my body. Here's how I separate diet culture from personal wellness.

Photo courtesy of the author.

 Plus-Size Women Are All Out of Cookies For Straight-Size Men

True allyship is often done behind the scenes.

No one can make you laugh like a fellow fat woman. (Image: Instagram/ SumaJaneDark via MamaFierceBlog)

6 Reasons Every Plus-Size Woman Needs A “Fat Squad”

When “down girl” becomes “woke woman,” she needs a squad. And when she’s fat, she needs a fat squad.

Photo of the author and her husband (who is not an asshole) on their wedding day.

My Name Is Briana And I'm A Recovered A**hole Chaser

The first tenet is absolutely no flirting. You don’t scare away a guy by showing him that a fat girl dares to think she has a chance with him.

The hardest part of the charade is acting unphased when faced with shaming.

The Key To Confidence Is Being A Big, Fat Liar

On being a big fat liar...Sometimes "being yourself" just doesn't cut it.

This is low-maintenance chic!

Low-Maintenance Chic Is For Every Body

These plus-size femmes talk about what happens when they reclaim their low-maintenance comfort zone. This is low-maintenance chic!

Nothing will make you crave life balance like having kids.

How I Lost “Me” When I Had My Son

“You need to come home right now,” I sobbed into the phone, no doubt sending a jolt of panic into my poor husband while he sat at his desk in his air-conditioned office with the free coffee and free access to adult conversation.
