
No one wants to admit to being raped.

People Die Because Of Harvey Weinstein. Enough Is Enough.

Not all rapists look or act like rapists. Some of the men who abused me are considered “nice people.”

Mayim Bialik pens essay and perpetuates victim-blaming.

Mayim Bialik Has Really Done It This Time

Your body is your very own canvas, and you have the right to turn it into whatever work of art you want to display to the world... The root cause of rape is rapists, not short skirts, push up bras, or tight pants.

Instead of "Me, too" why don't we say, "I believe you"?

The "Me, Too" Viral Status Is Important, But Let's Talk About Something Else

It’s painful enough to have to revisit your abuse every time a new viral movement takes hold. What if, instead of “Me, too” we said, “I believe you?

Will Smith made me cry.

Will Smith Has A New Single And It Is So Bad

My Boo Will Smith has a new single out. AND IT IS AWFUL.

Image of Donald Trump by Mariah Sharp @MightyMooseArt

Why Trump Speaking At The Value Voters Summit Matters

Donald Trump aligns himself with bad people. He willfully insults good and honorable people. Speaking at the Value Voters Summit is a prime example.

The problem isn’t the reactions of the people being bullied, it’s a culture where bullying and harassment are considered acceptable.

Should We Ignore Our Bullies?

Should we ignore our bullies? The problem isn’t the reactions of the people being bullied, it’s a culture where bullying is considered acceptable.


It's International #DayOfTheGirl And These Girls Are About To Make You Cry

Why do we need International #DayOfTheGirl? Because every five minutes a girl dies as a result of violence. That's why. Nothing more needs to be said.

This is just more Monday than I can handle.

The Cute Emergency Twitter Account Is Everything — Because It Is Monday AF

I don't know if it's just Monday or if I am just this stressed because of life in general. Either way, I quit today.
