
Yep. That's a vibrator.

Female Masturbation: How To Do It Right

"There are a number of anthropological reasons why men are so obsessed with their wieners — probably something to do with crop-dusting the landscape with their baby-gravy. Women sadly don’t produce any such magical juice — so basically we just laze about waiting to be inseminated (well, after we track and slay a saber-tooth for dinner and beat our animal skin skirts clean in the stream . . . then, insemination)."


History In The Making, Baby: US Women's National Soccer Team Parades In NY Today!

Why has it taken this long for New York to celebrate women’s soccer with a parade?


Have You Seen The New Always #LikeAGirl Video? It's Unstoppable!

If you ever doubt yourself, think like your inner child. No, really. It might just work.


Photographer Captures Beauty In Alopecia

Lately we have been asking, "What is beauty?" 


8 Things Strong, Secure, Stable Women Do WAY Differently

It’s not about being rude, demanding or loud, but more about maintaining a personal constitution that guides her through difficulties and shines a light of inspiration so bright that others can’t help but want to follow in her footsteps.

Courtesy of, Wikimedia

Nobel Laureate Tim Hunt Leaves Women In STEM Speechless

This is doubling-down by a dude who is sorry everyone is upset, but doesn’t actually think anything he said wasn’t true.


Intel Capital Seeks to Fund Startups Led By Women And Ethnic Minorities

With the tech industry’s lack of gender and ethnic diversity, a prominent tech company hopes their new strategy will bridge the gap.


Tracy Hammond: Author, Alpha Male Wrangler

Who says feminists don't love alpha males and cooking?
