Audra Williams

Audra Williams


Audra connected to another computer via a modem in 7th grade, when she dialed into her local BBS and got in her first internet argument.  She's been online ever since, writing about feminism, politics, and culture, while attempting to achieve the credibility and confidence of a mediocre white man.  She is part of a lovely non-monogamous family in Toronto, and — true to form — is currently wearing a caftan and surrounded by cats.  

Audra Williams Articles

Courtesy of

You Don't Drink, You Don't Smoke, So What Do You Do Exactly?

The first time I remember pouring a bottle of wine down the drain, I was about nine years old. I've never had a drink of alcohol.

Courtesy of, Wikimedia

Nobel Laureate Tim Hunt Leaves Women In STEM Speechless

This is doubling-down by a dude who is sorry everyone is upset, but doesn’t actually think anything he said wasn’t true.

Photo courtesy of King Williams/Fat-bottom Revue Facebook

How Leonard Nimoy's Death Revealed Facebook's Draconian Community Standards (Again)

Leonard Nimoy wasn't just Spock. He was a photographer dedicated to championing body positivity. But Facebook has banned his images.
