weight loss
When the formerly fat spoke of their hardships, I didn’t take them seriously. I thought that without the problem of weight, their lives must be perfect.
Read...Can you love your body and actively try to lose weight? I know I’m not the only body loving lady who needs to lose weight for health reasons.
Read...People’s health and looks change over time — if you only want to be in a relationship with someone “healthy” you should probably just stay single.
Read...As long as the medical community is allowed to make a profit from the promise of thinness, fat people cannot trust them to have our best interests (or even just our continuing to be alive) as a priority. I know exactly where to stick these balloons, and it’s not in the stomachs of fat people.
Read...We’ve criminalized fat for so long that we’ve all but forgotten that fat is not just helpful, but necessary.
Read...Oprah, best known for the daytime talk show she hosted for basically 50 years, secondarily known for owning 10% of Weight Watchers, has some things to say about her weight.
Read...Weight Watchers point counting nonsense makes it impossible to just eat food. Food isn’t a mathematical equation; it’s meant to nourish your body.
Read...To take care of myself in the months preceding my wedding I had to make a conscious effort to not dive into dieting. Wedding weight loss was off the list of things for me to do, or to even attempt.