If you want to burn off your hair, possibly several limbs and maybe even your entire yard, then by all means, fire up that completely frozen bird. But if you’d rather play it safe, follow these simple tips:
Read...I stopped hosting the holiday at my house, and instead of inviting a barrage of people over for face-stuffing, I turned Thanksgiving into a quiet day at home—just me and my partner—and yes, plenty of pie and mashed potatoes.
Read...We had no turkey, no casserole dishes heaped sweet potatoes or creamy green beans, no pies made from scratch, no beautiful table settings or nice dishes to heap our non-existent feast upon.
Read...Happy November! Halloween has come and gone, and while some people jump right into Christmas, we here at Ravishly have a deep love for any holiday involving large quantities of food
Read...Like, "Yum, there is a table full of delicious food" but also, "Ugh, am I gonna hate myself after I eat this?"
Read...That headline is a bit of false advertising, as I am in not quite qualified to proclaim myself a “Thanksgiving Pro.”