Ravishly Staff

Ravishly Staff


Ravishly Staff Articles

Get Your Free (And Festive!) November Wallpaper

Happy November! Halloween has come and gone, and while some people jump right into Christmas, we here at Ravishly have a deep love for any holiday involving large quantities of food

Credit: Thinkstock

Ravishly's Top 5 Reads Of The Week

Body image, BDSM, Zumba, and polyamory. Just another week at Ravishly . . .

Credit: Thinkstock

Ravishly's Top 5 Reads Of The Week

Ghostbusters, Mormons, and orgasms. Just another week at Ravishly . . .

Image by Maria Shanina via Unsplash

Self-Care Resources To Prepare For Holiday Stressors: A Round-Up

At the tail-end of a Hold My Beer, 2016 sort of year, we could all use a little more self-care in our lives. Add to that the typical stressors of a holiday season — no matter what you celebrate — and you've got a recipe calling for a generous extra helping of some personal TLC.


Shit You Left Behind Turns A Sharp Lens On Break-Ups 

We get a sneak peek at photographer Stacia Grossman's sharp, witty and relatable look at a relationship gone awry.

Credit: Thinkstock

Ravishly's Top 5 Reads Of The Week

Facial hair, marriage, privilege, play parties, ugliness. Just another week at Ravishly.

We've pooled together all our very favorite goodies to help you with your holiday shopping this year!

Ravishly's 2016 Holiday Gift Guide

We've got a little bit of everything: candles that smell like your favorite books, family pajamas that will last for years to come, and organizations to pick when giving the ultimate gift of a donation in your loved one's name to a cause they care about.


April Wallpaper Freebies: Mother Earth & 4/20 Festivities!

Happy April! This month, we have Earth Day AND 4/20 — the perfect chance to celebrate both nature and one of our favorite herbal gifts from her! Here are the free wallpapers for this month, which you can find and download on Dropbox.

 Click here to fetch yourself a lovely Mother Earth, and click here for some ganja goodness. We've got them made in just about every dimension imagineable, so there's definitely something for everyone! 

Image removed.


Martin Luther King Jr.'s Views On Gay People

Openly gay African American organizer Bayard Rustin opens up about King's views on homosexuality in a 1989 interview.

How you feed your baby isn't nearly as important as making sure your baby gets fed.

These Tweets Show That "Fed Is Best" When It Comes To Infant Feeding

ICYMI: Ravishly recently hosted a Twitter chat all about infant feeding.
