
image credit: Kings County Sheriff's Department

Teenage Girl Pimps Out Other Teenage Girls (You Won't Believe Where)

How is a teenage pimp made?

An important factor for surviving the teen years is keeping a sense of humor.

The Trials And Tribulations Of Raising Teenagers

There's a popular saying that "Raising teens is like trying to nail jello to a wall" — and this is a perfect metaphor for parenting teenagers.

The author can neither confirm nor deny the validity of this tee.

If I Go To Hell, I Know My Message Tees Are Waiting For Me There

Air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution. The list goes on. And of all the environmentally unsound ways to poison the atmosphere, I’m probably most guilty of committing “t-shirt pollution.”

Here’s what I have to confront: sexism isn’t something that only exists amongst sociopathic, violent, shady men – it’s much more insidious than that.

Teaching Teenage Boys About Feminism 

Here's the truth about nice boys and sexism.

What if your conversation saved them from blackout drunkenness, chunks of days and nights they can’t recall, behaviors that are dangerous, both to them and to others.

I Told My Teens To Smoke Pot

I told my kids if they are going to pick a substance, pick pot. Don’t buy booze. Don’t drink cough syrup. Do get high. Why? Because pot doesn’t kill people. Pot doesn’t wreck your liver. Pot makes you want to eat cookies and listen to Pink Floyd on reproduction vinyl you bought at Urban Outfitters.

Why is communicating with our teenagers so hard to do?

Pushing Past Arguments With Your Teen, And Building Trust To Boot

The teen years are difficult for everyone involved, and rehashing the same fights time and again is exhausting. You may be losing hope that you will have a healthy relationship with your kid before they turn 25. Don’t worry, it isn’t an impossible feat. You can learn to ease yourself through these arguments more effectively with your teen, while building a solid foundation of trust between you.

For teens, there's never a real "off" time.

Is The Internet Ruining Teenagers' Lives? Um... It Might Be

As the headline article (“Anxiety, Depression and the American Adolescent”) points out, depression has been replaced with anxiety as the leading mental health struggle of today’s adolescent. The one possible cause that stood out to me most was the impact of social media. With smartphone in hand, teens can be reading harmless texts, or – as was the case for one young female interviewed – they could be viewing disturbing Instagram posts, or reading about distant tragedies, or scrolling through hateful Facebook comments. Maybe even comments about them.

We tried a very new thing, a new recipe that I was aching to make but lacked the confidence to judge its greatness on my own. Image: Our Stable Table.

#RavsRecipes: Japanese Eggy-Rice Breakfast

Tamago kake gohan is made with hot sushi rice, an egg, soy sauce, and good dash of furikake (a traditional seaweed and sesame rice seasoning). It is comforting, filling, entirely satisfying, and stays with you for several hours. This is great fuel for a school day, a sick day, or a day spent hiking — or marathoning Project Runway.
