One day, when you’re twice your age, you’ll write a letter to yourself with all the things no one taught you about your period
Read...Sometimes, after you become a mom, you forget that sex used to be fun, hot, even wicked. Wicked sex? HA. I’m here to help you bring the passion back.
Read...Here’s the thing about faking it: eventually, the truth comes out, or someone gets hurt. So I'm going to talk about my virginity on first dates!
Read...Honestly, I’d say about 90% of the sex I have in my long-term monogamous relationship is “vanilla.” We are, believe it or not, a normal couple who does normal sex things just like anyone else. We are two people who know what the other likes and we do those things.
Read...Yes, cheating is a feminist issue, regardless of the gender identities of those involved. Because at its heart, it’s about consent.
Read...Spoon your pillow instead.