
There is literally no disadvantage to being confident. It’ll make you happier, more successful, a better friend, a better person.

The Confidence Question: How To Get It And Keep It — And Why

There is literally no disadvantage to being confident. It’ll make you happier, more successful, a better friend, a better person.

According to those who prescribe to the theory of so-called ‘healthy perfectionism’, the endless pursuit of flawless achievement isn’t necessarily a bad thing, exhausting and stressful as it may be.

Is Healthy Perfectionism A Real Thing?

Flawlessness has its drawbacks.

Why should I feel bad about being in my 40s?

Getting Older Is Terrifying, And It’s Also The Best

Would you really rather not get older?


Watching People Go Back To School Is Bittersweet Now That I’ve Graduated

September, for the first time in many years, wasn’t the start of any new beginnings. I’ve been in some form of school — general education in public schools, then an undergraduate degree, and then a graduate degree — since I was in preschool.

"Being angry is something that I struggled with for a long time."

#MondaysWithMatt: Don't Push Your Anger Away

Happy Monday, Ravishers!

Working to stay in the moment is essential. Who doesn’t replay the past and agonize over what the future may bring? Image: Thinkstock.

Killing The Perfectionist Within: A Guide To Establishing Realistic Expectations Of Yourself

The premise Newman puts forth is that being a perfectionist emanates from a core belief that either one is “not good enough… or that one is ‘unworthy.’” This can develop as a result of “parental criticism or parental indulgence (the latter being constant praise).”

Credit: Thinkstock

A Retinue Of Ravishing 2015 Resolutions

We at Ravishly want to make the world a better place. This starts with making ourselves better—as individuals and as a team.
