Suggesting that we should figure out how to apply a deadly illness to fat people is ludicrous on its face for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that THERE ARE FAT PEOPLE WITH ANOREXIA.
Read...After much deliberation, the Food Police have determined that caffeine, in moderation, is still not bad for people. You are free to drink 400 mg of caffeine a day— the equivalent of 36 ounces of regular coffee — and nothing bad will happen to you.
Read...While women comprise half of the HIV-positive population in the United States, they are less than 20% of the subject in anti-retroviral drug studies.
Read...One of the top things a doctor can do for a patient is to empower them to be part of the decision-making process by giving them a full range of options around their treatment. The days of paternalistic practitioners are in decline.
Read...Both virginities were lost to friends and I wore needless belts on both occasions, but that's where the similarities ended.