
Me, 2013

Why Do I Date So Much, Anyway?

Sometimes, the catastrophic pain and miraculous triumphs that come with relationships are worth simply knowing a person.


How To: Kill Your Boyfriend’s Boner in 10 Seconds or Less

We’ve all been there. Your boyfriend has a raging boner, but you’re just not in the mood to do anything with it. But how do you tell him to tone that boner down and quick? No need to worry. Here are ten simple, foolproof ways to kill that boner in ten seconds—or less—while keeping your man’s ego rock-hard.

Awwwww ...

Your "Perfect Partner" Isn't Supposed To Be Perfect 

Is divorce the answer? Maybe. Sometimes.

polyamorous family

Love Is Meant To Be Shared: Our Polyamorous Marriage

There really isn't anything unusual about our union. For all intents and purposes it's actually a pretty typical marriage. Except we're in an open marriage.


May Is Masturbation Month And I'm The 2%

You may have heard the old joke that 98% of people masturbate, and the other two percent are lying.


9 Ridiculous Things You Never Thought You Would Do When You Got Married

And then reality kicks in and you think, “What happened to us?” Where once there were fireworks are now phone calls about broken appliances and picking up diapers. But these changes aren’t necessarily bad. Sometimes things change dramatically and you realize how amazingly better your relationship is now, all these years later.

cake, ask momma bare

Dear Momma Bare: My Man Won't Go South Of The Border

"Sex is about enjoyment. For both parties. I am firmly in the ‘don’t do it unless you find pleasure in it’ camp."


Why I Turned My Back On Divorce

"How could I truly know after only two years, whether my marriage could just be a mistake?"
