
More Bad News For Kesha (And For Victims Of Assault In General)

Kesha hit another roadblock in her campaign to be free from her producer/abuser/rapist this week. I’m sorry — alleged abuser and rapist. No one seems to be willing to convict Dr. Luke of the allegations of rape and abuse leveled against him by the singer.

She’s more than mindless, fluffy pop music and she always has been. She’s an incredible vocalist and a great songwriter. She gave me hope when I needed it most, and I wish I could do the same for her. Image: Wikimedia.

Kesha Saved My Life — And Is Still Saving It

I stared at the picture of her sitting in the courtroom sobbing; I read the news stories, and I cried, too. As a sexual assault survivor myself, I felt a lot of things in that moment. Above all, the ruling was a reminder to me that, as a woman, I do not matter. Not in the eyes of society, not in the eyes of the law. It was a reminder that I do not deserve safety, nor will I be guaranteed it. It was a reminder that my body is not mine, and it never has been.

This is the world in which we live, friends. Image: Wikipedia.

Kesha Was Sexually Assaulted And Yet Capitalism Still Wins

In today's (Holy Capitalist Bullshit, Batman) news: Kesha. Also, sexual assault, rape culture, and some misogyny thrown in, because why not.

BDSM and the use of safewords.

How Safewords Helped Me Reclaim My Sexual Power

The first time I remember learning what a safeword was, I was sitting in my college dorm, devouring blogs about kink and BDSM. It all seemed so foreign to me, a teenager who couldn’t imagine real people doing any of the taboo things these blogs talked about.

"It's horrible."

To The Father Who Walked Away From His Daughter's Rape At Gunpoint

Faced with the threat of gun violence, what could a father do? Raise his voice.

A Tale of Ten Tummies

A Tale of Ten Tummies: Stretchmarked, Saggy, Wrinkled, Toned, Taut

We spend a lot of time thinking about our bodies; our faces, our fat, our bellies. We love them. We loath them. This is a tale of ten tummies.

"Believe women."

In The Case Of Rape: Hillary Clinton Was Asked If We Should Believe Bill’s Accusers

Hillary Clinton wants you to “believe women”—as long as they’re not the ones who accused her husband of assaulting them.


Hey NY Post, Thanks For Using Subway Jared To Perpetuate Rape Culture

OK, so Jared Fogle is admittedly a pretty gross person.
