Pulse Orlando Shooting

You are the proverbial light. You are the world’s treasure.

Take The Cake: For The Queers Who Died Because The World Called Our Bodies Disposable

This is a love song for those who showed me there was a thing called freedom, and it wasn’t closed-legged, and it wasn’t passable, that it was expensive and gaudy, and I wanted it, and I didn’t want it.

[T]his painful moment requires solidarity and a more nuanced response. Image: kyasarin/Pixabay.

In Mourning And Solidarity, Local LGBTQ Leaders Warn Against Islamophobia

[H]ermelinda Cortes, organizer with the queer liberation organization Southerners on New Ground, told AlterNet that racist, xenophobic rhetoric further erodes the safety of LGBTQ people, many of whom are undocumented, refugees, Muslims and people of color.


"Moment Of Silence" For Orlando Causes Congressional Uproar

Yesterday, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan motioned for a moment of silence for the Orlando shooting victims. But some of his colleagues weren’t having it.
