The woman freed the poop, and firefighters were able to free the woman. No word yet on the retrieval of her dignity.
Read...I didn’t want an episiotomy. And I told my doctor so on page three of my seven page birth plan.
Read......[I]f you think it’s a good idea to take a selfie with your gallon jug of Golytely and post it on social media with a “guess what I’m doing” caption, you might want to tell your mom why you’re having a colonoscopy so she doesn’t assume the worst. Ask me how I know.
Read...People who don't have a choice in their hysterectomy may not be ready to be done having babies. But I was SO ready for that.
Read...Several months ago I read a piece from a mother who was so over people comparing raising kids to taking care of their “furbabies.” The annoyance and eye rolls practically leapt off the page.
Read...Buoyed by the positive experiences of several acquaintances, I decided to explore whether my pain might be alleviated by channeling my chi. (Ok, full disclosure: I didn’t know exactly what “chi” was, but I was nonetheless willing to have mine professionally evaluated.)
Read...A 49-year-old woman leaves behind a special present at a Racine, WI, Kmart store, her poop! She decided to drop her drawers on the store's floor (or rather, in a box on the floor) instead of using the restrooms. Frangela's recount of the misfire is a deserving bowl full of . . . laughs.
Read...Sure, poop capsules sound gross—but they could represent a significant medical industry breakthrough.