Sarah Gladstone

Sarah Gladstone


Writer, reader, general fan of all forms of honest storytelling. Optimistic realist, packaged like a pessimist. Strong believer in real world magic, intersectionality, and exploring gender and stories of mixed race identity. Supporter of public libraries, breakfast for dinner, and denim-on-denim. 

Sarah Gladstone Articles

A Napa home damaged by the earthquake (Credit: Alvin Jornada/EPA)

This Is What Your First Earthquake Feels Like

Yesterday morning, I was shaken by the 6.0 magnitude earthquake that struck the Bay Area.


Bad Breasts?! New Study Finds Breastmilk is Passing Stress to Newborns

New moms do their best to bring their babies up in a care-free bubble that blissfully floats above the sick, sad world the rest of us live in.


Gross, but Cool: Your Race Determines What Your Earwax Smells Like

All people may be created equal, but our earwax is not.


Dear Disney, We Demand a Plus-Sized Princess

Kids see it, we see it, the American people see it: Disney princesses perpetuate an unrealistic portrayal of the female body.


"Swirling" vs. Same Race Relationships — Will We Ever Reach a Post-Race America?

Even in today's progressive era, why do so many people prefer same race relationships...and should it even matter?


Glamour Magazine Names Lupita Nyong'o "Woman Of The Year," Beauty And Race Collide (Again)

The acknowledgment of Lupita’s elegance begins a process to alleviate any future need to add "for a . . . " to the end of “You’re beautiful.”

Credit: ThinkStock

Not All Women Are The Moon

Why are women so content with being a cold, distant, light-stealing stone?


Shia LaBeouf: "I'm Not Famous Anymore"

Film festivals are the Fashion Week of the movie world – where the filmmakers congregate to present their art and where the hype and rumors are bor


Brave New World: Is the Dawn of the Digital Age Damaging Our Youth?

The internet is weird and gross and hilarious and helpful.
