Ms. Fox

Ms. Fox
Ms. Fox Articles
S.L.U.T. (single life under thirty) is officially over and you’re still banging your vibrator. Well, doesn't this suck? Who was prepared for your 30s being so super-lame? Your hair is turning gray, your boobs are getting wrinkles, and what the hell is this on your face? No. Way. Chin. Hair. Not to mention you can no longer drink without getting a hangover.
Read...A man from Jacksonville, Florida (duh) reportedly turns himself into police for killing his — wait for it — imaginary friend, Mr. Happy.
Read...Well, well, well, I've seen many a things in my 13,943 days on the earth, but I have only seen a man making love to a car once, and thanks to Frangela's Idiot Of The Week, I'm once bitten and twice shy. Proceed with caution. You may never look at your exhaust pipe the same way again.
Read...A 49-year-old woman leaves behind a special present at a Racine, WI, Kmart store, her poop! She decided to drop her drawers on the store's floor (or rather, in a box on the floor) instead of using the restrooms. Frangela's recount of the misfire is a deserving bowl full of . . . laughs.
Read...Summer is here and it’s waxing season! Whether you are waxing for an itty-bitty bikini, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, or yourself, Brazilian waxing can be one of the most painful waxing experiences a person can go through. However, it doesn’t have to be so bad.
Read...A woman in a Pennsylvania Walmart has been accused of stealing $100 worth of groceries, and the main accomplice is her greedy-pink-pocket – VAGINA. That's right. Stolen goods were recovered from her vagina. And we are not talking about stealing a saltshaker either . . . she was doing some serious grocery shopping, folks.
Read...Dudes getting aroused during massage sessions? Totally normal. Just quit it with these five little things . . .
Read...You know the development team over at MTV’s True Life series had to dig deep (walked outside their L.A. studios for five minutes) to find a 19-year-old woman who: 1. Not only thinks 19 is the time to start preserving her youth. . .