Privilege is a complex term to grasp, even for adults. The earlier we teach it to our younger generations, the easier it becomes to understand.
Read...I have five children. At birth, they weighed anywhere from 7.5 to almost 11 pounds.
Read...After we had our first kid, we decided it would be a good idea to have a weekly standing sex date. Yes, we started scheduling sex!
Read...Heightism. It sounds like a politically correct buzzword, but it’s a real prejudice. The implications of height prejudice are broad and troubling.
Read...The jig was officially up. My daughter knew Santa isn't real. Had I ruined Christmas? Destroyed her sense of childlike wonder? Killed her holiday spirit?
Read...When was the last time your three-year-old was like, “Oh you’re not feeling well? You should definitely get some rest. I’ll just take care of myself. No sweat.”