
How To Make Love To Your Food

Avoiding intimacy with food can lead to numerous food-related issues such as mindless eating, overeating, eating without enjoyment, and distracted eating. So how do we create intimacy with our food again? How do we, in a sense, make love with it by being fully and completely present?

Rather than eating until I felt anxious that I was eating too much or wasting too much time, I ate when I was hungry and stopped when I was full. Image: Thinkstock.

3 Things That Changed When I Started Thinking Of Food As Fuel

Something changed for me when I heard my friend say, “I run so I can eat.” I run so I can cope, so I can feel invincible, so I can think. And so, in a surprising change of events, I challenged them politely and asked, “What would change if, instead, you ate so you can run?”

I will be kind to myself in times of difficulty AND times of ease. Image: Thinkstock.

How Mental Health Awareness Helps Me Cope With My Mental Illnesses

[CN: PTSD, self-harm] I’m choosing this moment to remember that mental health awareness is about celebrating my victories as well as seeking medications for my biochemical imbalances.

I will be kind to myself in times of difficulty AND times of ease. Image: Thinkstock.

How Mental Health Awareness Helps Me Cope With My Mental Illnesses

[CN: PTSD, self-harm] I’m choosing this moment to remember that mental health awareness is about celebrating my victories as well as seeking medications for my biochemical imbalances.

You have to give your brain permission to unwind. Image: WeHeartIt.

What To Do When You Can’t Turn Your Brain Off After A Crappy Day

All day, you eagerly anticipate finding just 30 minutes to chill out, catch up with your significant other, and relax into sleep. But the problem is... though your body is ready to plop down on the sofa and decompress, your brain is still going a mile a minute. It's stuck in "go-go-go" mode. As a result, you're there with your loved ones, but you're not really present. You think, What's wrong with me? Why can't I relax?


Meditating Is My Personal Hell

I'm a freakin' Buddha. And then I'm seriously starting to freak out.


Robin Berzin: Doctor, Medical App Founder

believer in a holistic approach. tech-medicine pioneer. pro-mindfulness.


Less Thinking, More Doing in the Sack

How easy is it for you to get distracted during sex? Well woman, science says it’s time to stop!
