
Ah the joys a bit of chemicals on the face can bring! (Image Credit: Flickr/Jeff Luyten)

Skin Care Confession: Am I Addicted To Acid?

It’s funny to think that sometimes I don’t have the energy to get off the couch, or to buy groceries, yet my face is constantly using said energy t

image credit: Thinkstock

Am I In An Unhealthy Relationship With My Shampoo?

Being a “strong” and “empowered” woman is so hot right now.

Hint: None if them are this eye shadow.

5 Makeup Must-Haves From $2.99-$12.99

I’m pretty lucky if I wake up and don’t look like someone punched me in the face.

You're on your own here.

10 Beauty Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making

Make sure that at least twice a year you are getting rid of unused or old makeup — even your eyeshadow as these are laden with bacteria.

If your makeup's this old, you should definitely throw it out. Image: Imgur

Throw Out Your Old Makeup. Here Are The Only Items You’ll Ever Need.

It's basically a lot of palettes.


My Love/Hate Relationship With Makeup

Makeup and I have always had a love/hate relationship: I love it; it hates me.
