
“I know what I am now. I’m pansexual.”  Image: Pixabay.

My 10-Year-Old Daughter Came Out At Pride. I'm Proud, But Also Afraid.

Moments after this big reveal, as I sat with the knowledge that I was the mother of a queer daughter, we heard about the man in Los Angeles being stopped on his way to Pride with guns and bombs, and I suddenly realized that my daughter was now one of the millions of people at risk because of vile and unreasonable hatred about non-straight sexuality.

“I know what I am now. I’m pansexual.”  Image: Pixabay.

My 10-Year-Old Daughter Came Out At Pride. I'm Proud, But Also Afraid.

Moments after this big reveal, as I sat with the knowledge that I was the mother of a queer daughter, we heard about the man in Los Angeles being stopped on his way to Pride with guns and bombs, and I suddenly realized that my daughter was now one of the millions of people at risk because of vile and unreasonable hatred about non-straight sexuality.

He makes it nearly impossible to not acknowledge American hypocrisy. Image: The Good Men Project.

Contradictions In The United States Of Amnesia: Why A Black Man Can Love Donald Drumpf

The danger of submitting to the false patriotic tranquility of the United States of Amnesia is Donald Drumpf. He reminds us that the United States of Amnesia is one of the most peacefully violent countries in existence, not only politically, but economically, socially, psychologically, and spiritually.

As a queer Latina, this news hit me on multiple fronts. Image: Ana Larazzy/Pexels.

On Embracing LGBTQ Labels In The Face Of Anti-Queer Violence

I’m not straight, but I often feel like a queer outsider. And I know I’m not the only one. Just a few days prior to the shooting, a fellow queer mama who is also married to a man came out on Facebook to let the world know that just because she is with a man doesn’t make her any less queer.

As a queer Latina, this news hit me on multiple fronts. Image: Ana Larazzy/Pexels.

On Embracing LGBTQ Labels In The Face Of Anti-Queer Violence

I’m not straight, but I often feel like a queer outsider. And I know I’m not the only one. Just a few days prior to the shooting, a fellow queer mama who is also married to a man came out on Facebook to let the world know that just because she is with a man doesn’t make her any less queer.

[T]his painful moment requires solidarity and a more nuanced response. Image: kyasarin/Pixabay.

In Mourning And Solidarity, Local LGBTQ Leaders Warn Against Islamophobia

[H]ermelinda Cortes, organizer with the queer liberation organization Southerners on New Ground, told AlterNet that racist, xenophobic rhetoric further erodes the safety of LGBTQ people, many of whom are undocumented, refugees, Muslims and people of color.

When subtle homophobia meets the three of us out in public, it looks back and forth from face to face and eventually just asks, “So, whose kid?” Image: Thinkstock.

It's The Casual Homophobia That Hurts My Family Most

Despite our relative insulation from homophobia, my wife and I are not unaware of the situation. There are plenty of people in this country who don’t believe that we have the right to exist, to be married, or to raise a child together.

Short answer: It's complicated.

Ask A Feminist: Can I Be A Feminist If I Don't Like Gay People?

Sexual orientation is not a lifestyle and gay people are not a monolith. Much as women are all individuals with different wants, needs, and preferences, so are gay people, bi people, asexual people, polyamorous people, and pansexual people (also people who present gender differently that the usual male/female binary but gender identity is a different thing than sexual orientation and will likely be the subject of a whole different essay).
