growing up

When I Was Unemployed And Starving, I Worked For A 1-800-Psychic Hotline

The cards showed me the Tower and the Ten of Swords, which is basically bleak shit worthy of jumping off a tall building.


SPAGHETTIFICATION: Fiction From Luna Luna Magazine

For thirteen days, we have walked near each other, but not too near.

Illustrations by Sami Cronk (

Death Is The Only Way Out Of This Body

Hot off the presses from Quail Bell magazine's Issue 6—Feminism. (Stay tuned for our review next week.)


I'm Always Late, And It Makes Me A Liar

For the sake of all that is sacred, I will henceforth become a dependable person. Or at least I will try.


Things Break Easily In My Big Hands: Fiction from Luna Luna

I wanted to leave a hole as big as me. Free up the space I’d taken, more than my share. If only that surgeon had cut me down to size.


Confession: I Was Raped At 15

When I bought gym clothes at age 12, I had no idea that I would be raped in their presence three and a half years later.


What I Learned From Living With Five Guys

Someone would always cook in their tighty whities, his package at eye level for the person doing French homework at the kitchen table.


Confession: I Ate Mushrooms, Saw Frozen And Had A Sisterly Revelation 

Millie lowered her voice and asked me if I had plans for the rest of the day. Did I want to make some mushroom tea and watch Frozen in Union Square?
