
I'm leaving Facebook to save myself from the anguish of my newsfeed during the holidays.

Why I'm Leaving Facebook During The Holidays

I'm leaving Facebook to save myself from the anguish of the 'tis the season shopping excursions and elaborate events that go hand-in-hand with the holidays.

Image via Giphy

Your Facebook Photos Are Grossing Me Out

My Facebook feed was flooded with pictures of sh*t this morning. Literally. Am I the only one who doesn’t want to see poop or pus on my social media?

"I realized that I enjoyed parenthood a whole lot more when I wasn't constantly complaining about it on the Internet."

What Happened When I Finally Quit Whining on Facebook 

You know that annoying friend who loves to vaguebook about the woes in her life or is always complaining on social media about how her kids are destroying her home and mental health? Super annoying, right? Well, that was me — every damn day, for years.

Private, unsearchable Facebook groups provide women all over the world with networking and friendship opportunities that never existed before.

Secret Women-Only Facebook Groups Are Revolutionizing Feminism

Every day, thousands of women around the world are joining secret Facebook groups where they crowdsource their questions about careers, sex, money and everything in between.

Not giving in to the stereotype of "hysterical liberal" is a slap back at online trolls looking for a reaction.

Why I'm Choosing To Fight Fascism With Facts

Like many progressives, the early days of Trump's presidency have left me angry, exhausted, and fighting with strangers on Facebook.

The only time it makes sense for people to announce they're quitting Facebook is when it's on a public page where they have a following.

Please Stop Telling Me You're Quitting Facebook

When something ridiculous happens (frequency: every goddamn day), where will you...go? What will you...do?

Big Brother really is always watching... and listening... and advertising.

Your Phone Is Listening To You - All The Time

You mention wanting to feast on a sweet stack of pancakes for Sunday brunch and the next time you open Instagram, there’s an IHOP ad star
